Sino ang Dios, ang Ama o ang Anak, ang nagpahid na nagsugo o ang pinahiran na sinugo? Is the "Son is God" (not the Father) a sound doctrine? AFFIRMATIVE PRESENTATION: "ANG ANAK AY HINDI DIOS AYON SA BIBLIYA" “THE SON IS NOT GOD AS PRESENTED BY THE SCRIPTURES” Moderator : Christine Marie Reluya Cateja Affirmative : Pastor Carl C. Cortez Negative : Lowed Montebon ------------------------ oooo O oooo ---------------------- AFFIRMATIVE PRESENTATION By: Ptr. Carl C. Cortez PROPOSITION TO RESOLVE: Be it known that “The SON is not God as presented by the scriptures” or that the Bible never teaches that the Son of God is God but the Father who sent and anoint the son. INTRO: I agree with the sayings that “understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know you, but there are very few who understand you.” It is also true to most people who claims to know the truth but never arrived to understanding it. In this presentation, I would like to inculcate a mot...